Thursday, March 10, 2016

Term Paper "Effective Planning"



            Planning is the (psychological) process of creating and refining a plan, or integrating it with other plans.   The term is also used to describe the formal procedures used in the creation of documents, diagrams, or meetings to discuss the important issues to be addressed, the objectives to be met, and the strategy to be followed.   Beyond this, planning has a different meaning depending on the political or economic context in which it is used.

            Planning is also a management function, concerned with defining goals for future organizational performance and deciding on the tasks and resources to be used in order to attain those goals.   To meet the goals, managers will invest significant resources for training and incentives to motivate employees.   When approaching a business plan you should try to relate and compare your business as a product.

            A plan, strategic or not, can backfire, and cause difficulties for those involved in it.   That becomes a major problem when one gets into the higher levels, where a slip up can be very costly to the decision maker, as well as those around them. "Mature companies attempting to grow by entering new businesses fail more often than not, as numerous studies confirm".  

1.1 Background of Study

The Term paper is an attempt to provide an orientation to real life scenario where in one can observe and evaluate the uses and applicability of theoretical concepts that were taught in B.B.A (Hons.)

As a partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) of Department of Management, Debigunj College,Panchagarh. Every student has to go for an internship program.

 1.2 Statement of Topic

While it is true that the planning suffers from several limitations, an organization cannot do without planning. The following steps should go a long way in overcoming these limitations and making planning effective:
Specific Objective
Easy understandability
Co-ordination and linkage

Objectives of term paper topic

The goal of the NPWS is: 'Working with people and communities to protect and conserve natural and cultural heritage in the NSW landscape'. This translates into the following objectives:
  1. protection of natural and cultural values
  2. providing opportunities for public appreciation and enjoyment
  3. providing opportunities for building public support for conservation
being a good neighbor and a responsible landholder.
Chapter -2
1.1 Clarifying the concept involved
Creation of suitable organization systems: management should consciously create an organizational system that facilitates planning. All the known hurdles to planning should be removed and the managers at every level should be encouraged and given necessary facilities to plan their goals with active participation of the workers.
Involvement of top management: to be meaningful, the planning process ought to be initiated by the top management. Long -term strategic planning for the organization as a whole should be done at this level only, and on the basis of this department or sub -departmental level planning should be undertaken by the middle and supervisory management.
Effective communication of planning information: the organization should have an effective network to communicate all the information that is relevant to planning of the goals at every level. This should include specific and clear information regarding resource availability, organizational policies, strategies, and so on.
1.2 My available research finding on the topic
1. Management planning
2. Knowledge base for planning and management of natural values
3. Knowledge of natural values
4. Business planning
5. Human resource planning
6. Organization planning

                                                 Chapter -3

Nature of data-qualitative

Data consists of factual elements (or opinion or comments) that describe some object or event. Data can be thought of as raw numbers.

MIS manager who is charged with overseeing all of the data definitions and data standards for the company to ensure that applications can share data throughout the company.

Contains all of the information to explain the terms used to define a system. Often includes report descriptions, business rules, and security considerations.

 Sources and uses of database

An older method of encrypting data that was commonly used by financial institutions. With current computer capabilities that can break a DES-encrypted message DES is no longer considered a secure encryption system.
Data Integrity: (1) A concept that implies data is as accurate as possible. It means the database contains few errors. (2) Keeping data accurate and correct as it is gathered and stored in the computer system.
Data store: A file or place where data is stored. In a realistic setting, a data store could be a computer file, file cabinet, or even a reference book.
Data type: To human, there are four basic types of data text and numbers, images, sound, and video. Each data type must be converted to binary form for computer processing.
Database: A collection of related data that can be retrieved easily and processed by computers. A collection of data tables. 

Full Term Paper- Contact me- 01737731085


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